Saturday, June 6, 2009

Breastfeedings Twins in Public

Today we went to the Children's Museum and I've realized that there is no hiding breastfeeding two babies in public. None. Boobs are out. Period. This is nothing at all like when I tandem nursed E and Z. They're 1 1/2 years apart and I never breastfed Z in public by the time that E was born. It is a lot easier to be discreet with one baby. So today taught me a very good lesson:

Get used to your boobs being out if you're going to nurse twins.

Plain and simple. I was a little frustrated on not being able to control the situation at first, but after the third nursing session today at the museum I was definitely more comfortable and just in tune with what the babies needs were and what they were doing. I quit trying to cover up my boobs (although I did cover up what I could once I got them latched on.) With two crying newborns it impossible to do everything and meet both of their needs. Plus I know that as they get older and get into that stage where their hands are all over the place they will probably win at keeping my shirt up and exposing my goods. Of course I can try to not feed them both at the same time but that isn't always possible. So I've decide that at this point in my life that I'm in tune enough with myself, my womanhood, and my don't give a damness to just do what comes natural. If my babies cries, I'm going to nurse them. If people are watching they better look away. My boobs are about to say hello to the sky, wind, fluorescent lights in buildings, grocery stores, and gawking eyes.

Another adventure in my breastfeeding chapter begins...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Breastfeeding Twins and the Fame

I went to WIC yesterday and it's amazing how fascinated people are with twins. Everyone wanted to look at that and ask me questions about them...including the infamous, "Are they identical?" Mind you that's when they know that one is a girl and one is a boy, lol.

People were amazed that I had one in a carseat and one in my handmade sling. Then they were amazed when I plopped them both in the carseat together. It was so funny to me. I was really tickled. It's like being a mini celebrity.

Then to top it off when they found out that I'm nursing twins...oh my! I was the talk of the whole office. It was really cool and they thought for sure that I would be able to teach them so much about nursing...but I was coming there to speak to a lactation consultant to check things about the twins latch, lol.

The good news about our little adventure yesterday was that they are now both 5.15 lb and that means they have gained 8 oz since last Friday! That's reassuring because the average weight gain for twins is 4-7 oz a week. I'm sure they'll be back up to their birth weight within a couple of days now.

I was also able to get some help with their latching. They both do this weird thing where they roll in their lips instead of sticking them out in a puckered style like a fish. So we're working on that, but it was reassuring they are still gaining despite that little hang up.

I think one of them is crying...gotta run.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Twins aren't that hard...

"Really they aren't. All they do at this point is eat, sleep, and poop."

Umphf. That is the sound of me putting my foot in my mouth...again. I must like the taste of unpedicured toes.

Well, I came to HUGE realization yesterday. It's not that taking care of twins is hard. In fact it's not. It's when you add in all the other aspects of your daily life before they came that makes it hard.

Yesterday I decided I was ready to go back to transcription work...I took a full audio hour of the most boring conference call. Fun fun. To top that off the audio was horrible quality. I had to rewind so many times.

Now add to that the fact that the babies are nursing around the clock, literally. They did not sleep for longer than an hour at a time yesterday. I guess they are growing through a growth spurt or something.

So needless to say I ended up just turning in what I was able to finish and vowed to myself not to do something so stupid next time. I NEED to make income to help out but I have to come up with a new game plan.

I can do the transcription work but I can't do those darn conference calls. They're boring and I realized last night that I hate them, and I don't hate a lot of things. So I will probably keep doing the medical transcription slowly on a part time basis. I'm not sure when I'm going to start that at this point though. And I'll do my interview transcription that I like and am fast at.

But other than that I need to find some other way to bring income. I know I can do my music but I really want to get into making money with my sewing, knitting, and crochet crafts. So today I'm going to come up with a plan to make things WAHM thing work with twins, a 1 year old, and a 2 year old. Sound impossible? Maybe, but it can work.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mental Roadblocks

I don't know why anxiety sets in when you try to start something new. I'm starting to write a book about having four children under the age of four. I think about the book everyday but I haven't written a thing. I know the concept and the idea but for some reason I haven't written anything. It seems like this happens to me a lot when it's concerning writing.

As a teenager I looooved to write and I still do now. I think that's what drew me to working as a transcriptionist. I love to type and I love the English language. I've always been good at grammar too.

Sooooo....why the roadblocks? Why I am stopping myself?

One obvious answer is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the success of the book. Fear of the lack of success of the book. Fear of not finishing the book.

Writing a book is a big task and I'm giving myself a year to complete the book. It's a book about the journey I'll be on over the next year with my kids. I know things will be hectic, crazy, and fun having a soon to be 3 years old, a 1 year old, and twinfants. I really want to record the journey and after that I think that other moms will be interested in reading about it. I know I would be. I'm sure I'll have a lot of advice to share at the end of the journey, or better yet at the end of that chapter of the journey.

So now it's time to stop avoiding writing...peace.

Friday, May 22, 2009

They're here!!

Amiri Charles Solomon Ramsey
May 15, 2009
9:14 pm
6.2 lb, 18 3/4 in

Laylah Mary Ella Ramsey
May 15, 2009
9:21 pm
6.5 lb, 18 3/4 in

After much anticipation....they're here! Wow...what a journey. There is so much to say about their birth and all of the prodomal labor leading up to their birth. I was actually admitted and discharged from the hospital on May 16 when one nurse said I was dilated to 5 cm. I was admitted and contracting regularly but not progressing and the midwife checked me and said I'm only 4 cm. So I was sent home again, but I wasn't tripping or angry I just knew that things would happen when they were meant to happen. I really did have peace. I went home and drank a glass of wine, took Zion to the ER and went to bed. Yes, you read right the ER. She got a coat hanger stuck under her eyelid and she's fine...but that is an entirely different story.

So I spent May 17 trying not to go into labor. I started the morning out with a glass of wine because I woke having contractions. And no, I'm not an alcholic. I normally don't even drink wine, I just really wanted to not go into labor until the 18th so that the midwife that I really like would deliver my babies.

So anyway the next day I was at my mom-in-law's house sitting on the couch relaxing. All of a sudden I started having strong contractions at around 2:30 p. I was like, "Okay, that was a strong one." I had a few more of those until I thought that if I continued having them I was definitely going to the hospital that day. So I tried taking a shower and noticed that they were 5 minutes apart. Then I tried laying down and the bed and they were five minutes apart. Then I tried getting in the tub and they were five minutes apart still...and at that point I started thinking about getting an epidural even though I really wanted a natural labor.

B showed up at that point and I told him that we needed to go soon and that I really wanted an epidural. I called the midwife and she asked me how I felt and I was like, "Like I need an epidural."

So when we got to the hospital I didn't want to get in a wheelchair because it hurt like hell to sit on my but during a contraction. So I walked up to the labor and delivery unit on the third floor. It probably took us 30 to 45 minutes because I was walking so slow and then stopping during contractions. I was also trying to look like I was in control of everything because people were just staring at me like I needed a wheelchair. A couple of nurses offered me a wheelchair but I was like, "Oh, no no no."

When I got to my room it was about 15 minutes until 7 pm. I was dilated to about a 6. I got in the bath tub shortly afterwards and had no real relief from the contractions. I was in transition and I just wanted an epidural. So I got out and got one. When it finally kicked in I was glad that I had gone that route. I really wanted to be able to enjoy my labor and laugh and joke. I wanted to relax too. I had had so much prodomal labor that I was all ready exhausted.

At about 9 pm they wheeled me into the OR to deliver the babies. It was at that point that they said I was 10 cm and popped my first water bag. They did an ultrasound and discovered that baby B, Laylah, was breech and not head down! In my mind I was praying that I wouldn't have to have a c-section. I pushed Amiri Charles Solomon out at 9:14 pm. He looked wonderful, healthy and full of life. I was a little afraid because he sounded so gurgly. Then they took him to the warmer. I was disappointed because I didn't get to have him put onto my chest right after he was born.

Then little Miss Laylah decided to stick her foot out of the birth canal. I haven't watched the video of the birth yet but my mom tells me that it was pretty frightening. I thought she was coming down the birth canal more but that feeling was actually the doctors hand inside of me pulling Laylah's other leg out of my body. Then he pulled her down some and pulled one arm out, then the other and then I pushed her head out. She was so limp looking when she came out. She had her umbilical cord wrapped around her body once and her neck twice. It scared me and I cried a little. The nurses and doctor kept telling me that she was going to be fine. A few minutes later she cried and I felt better. They had to take her to the NICU to work on her a little.

Anyway, it was a beautiful birth and after all that I went through during the delivery I truly believe that I made the right choice with the epidural. Me and B and planning on having any more children, but if for some very slim chance I became pregnant again I would definitely have an epidural. But that's not even something I want to think about. I'm done and thankful for the four beautiful and healthy children that I have :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Why I've been away...

Things have been busy and crazy. We've moved. B has still been looking for work. E finally started walking a few weeks ago. And I'm at that last part of my pregnancy where I want to kill someone and do whatever I can to get these babies out of me. I'm bitchy. Plain and simple. I've been having stop and start contractions for the past two weeks! I'm dilated 4 to 5 cm and these babies just ain't moving. I'm frustrated beyond belief. I fell for the, "Twins rarely go beyond 36 weeks," bull. Here I sit at 38 weeks and 1 day...soon to be 2 days in four hours! Arghhh...I've contemplated castor oil but I remember what that was like when I tried it during my pregnancy with Zion. I don't think I want to try that again.

The positive thing out of this...well there are more than one. First off I'm so thankful to have two healthy babies inside of me...two big stubborn babies :) I'm really thankful to be almost 5 cm without experiencing too much pain!! I remember what those contractions were like with Elijah to get to just God! So I'm praying that because I'm almost halfway there that when things do pick up it will just be super duper fast.

I still have the goal of having a natural labor...meaning no epidural. I'm praying. But I know if I have to be induced with pitocin that will be pretty impossible. Those pitocin contractions hurt like hellllllll.

Well, life with four under four hasn't quite begun yet, but I'm hoping that sometime soon it will. The sooner the better. I'm ready for the adventure.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Top 10 Things About Being A WAHM...

10. I can sit down and eat breakfast with my kids every morning. (If I worked I don't think I would do that. It'd be a bowl of cereal and out the door!)
9. Taking breaks throughout the day to play with my kids. We build forts in the living room. I give manicures, face paint, finger paint, read books, watch movies and so much more during my work day. I have definitely mastered the art of multi-tasking.
8. I can choose how much work to do. If I want to be really ambitious I can take on a super heavy load that I know will bring in more money but will have me up typing all night long. If I'm being more reasonable I'll take my typical load. And if I'm just too busy with every thing else or not feeling good I can take a light load. I love the flexibility.
7. Tea time whenever I want it! Yum!!
6. Nap time is my time! I used to work through nap time but I've come to my senses. Sometimes I still do work a little but I realized I'm so much better if I take that time for M-E. I sew, or knit, or read, or sleep, or watch a movie. It's sooooo wonderful. No job would give me a two hour break everyday.
5. I get to make my own schedule...let me rephrase that. Me and my kids get to make MY schedule, lol.
4. I get to contribute to my household's income. When that check comes in the mail there is a definite satisfaction and motivation to keep going. Hey, no work = no money!
3. It's more comfortable to work at home and be a business owner. I love being the boss (I get it from my mama!) and no one is telling me what to do. I make all the decisions. Very nice, very very nice.
2. No coworkers. While I love people I have come to accept the fact that I work good alone. I am an independent worker. I love to just do my own thing and figure things out on my own. (I get that from my mama, too..., lol).
1. Being able to be here for my kids. That's really why I do it. If they're sick I can flex my schedule to be able to give them extra hugs and kisses and nurse them back to health. If they have a doctor's appointment no one is telling me when I can get a day off to do that. If we want to go to the park or spend the day at the children's museum or visiting people we can just do that. We live how we want for the most part. That's awesome!